Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Dottorati di Ricerca


Università degli Studi di Pavia

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Criminal justice and international justice

Research areas

The Doctorate covers four research areas:
1. International law
2. European Union law
3. Criminal procedure law
4. Criminal law


The objectives of the Research Doctorate in Criminal justice, international justice and fundamental rights are both the preparation for a university career and the training to become lawyers and magistrates or experts in criminal and international law. Basically, doctoral students carry out a research directed towards the writing of a doctoral thesis, supported by teaching seminars and conferences held by specialists in the research subjects. Moreover, periodical meetings at the University of Pavia, in which doctoral students illustrate the subject, methods and contents of their on-going research are organised. The students' research activities are monitored and assessed by the Collegio dei docenti (Faculty Board). In addition, at the beginning and during the course of every academic year, doctoral students must attend conferences, seminars and encounters organised by the Faculty. Moreover, a period of study abroad is recommended, if possible in the European Court of Human Rights, or alternatively in international criminal courts and tribunals, other international institutions or in research institutes of criminal law and comparative criminal procedure.

Research Projects

The research projects may concern international law, conflict of laws and jurisdictions, international cooperation, United Nations activities, European Community law, international Organizations, human rights, extradition, international criminal law, terrorism, criminal procedure law, execution of criminal judgements, criminal law, mutual assistance in criminal matters, international criminal law.

International Projects

The PhD Programme is supported by the scientific cooperation with Italian and foreign Institutions and Universities. Moreover, the Doctorate Programme promotes the scientific cooperation with foreign Universities with specific agreements for joint supervision of the thesis of PhD students.


Prof. Cristina Campiglio, cristina.campiglio@unipv.it, +39.0382.98.4602

Primo piano


Come devo interpretare? Tecniche di interpretazione per i giuristi

dal 6 giugno al 9 giugno 2011
Aula G2 Facoltà di Giurisprudenza Palazzo San Tommaso
Piazza del Lino - Pavia

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La responsabilità dello Stato per violazione del diritto dell’Unione europea: recenti sviluppi.

L’adesione dell’Unione europea alla Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo

11 e 17 maggio
Aula del ‘400
Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

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